Let Ai Execute Your Next Challenge!

How to duplicate my 5-day challenge framework [that made 48K in 5 days]

in 1 hour using Ai.

Now Available For Instant Lifetime

Digital Access!



Backed by our 30-day money-back guarantee. Our team lives by one simple rule: "If you can't make money, then we don't deserve yours!"

Here’s everything that’s included …
  • ✌️ Ai Does The Strategy: You start with the best buyer persona for your product and get Ai to tell you who the market is that is hungry for that product.

  • ✌️Ai Lays Out The Promotion Content:
    From warm-up to closing, we’ve streamlined the process so Ai will come up with your posts, emails, and ads ensuring your challenges not only attract but convert with all the content written for you.

  • ✌️Ai Maps Out The Challenge: We then move into planning out what you’ll teach in your 5-day challenge. Ai will write everything you need for your training as well as video scripts. You’ll then just plug that into the Done For You graphics templates we provide.

  • ✌️Ai Closes The Challenge: We then reverse engineer the offer, guarantee, and bonuses based on what your ideal customer needs to hear to take action.

  • ✌️Ai Creates Your Challenge Workbook: Ai will then write your challenge workbook, which will convert your audience from their current mindset to the ideal buying mindset and drive conversions.

  • ✌️No Graphic Designer Needed: We give you every image you need with visuals that pop and captivate. We do all the work for you, and you just fill in the blanks. We provide your slide decks, social media posts, workbook, images, and more!

  • 🤖 Ai Software Included: Get the full power of ChatGPT4 ensuring you have the latest in Ai technology at your fingertips without any extra fees.

Here’s a Sneak Peek


Claim Your 5-Day Challenge Framework Today...

For a limited time only, you can order 1 Hr Challenge Magic for only $27... and get all of the bonuses above included for FREE!

Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee

Now Available For Instant

Digital Access!



Backed by our 30-day money-back guarantee. Our team lives by one simple rule: "If you can't make money, then we don't deserve yours!" So, if you can't use this to get real, tangible results in the next 30 days or even if it's seems like too much hard work than I'll refund you just for giving it a shot.

Here’s what’s inside “1-Hour Challenge Magic“


Crafting Your Offer: Goals, Guarantees, Bonuses 🥂


Designing an Impactful Customer-Centric Challenge 🎯


Writing Effective Copy and Highlighting Benefits 😜


Establishing Your Group: Naming, Setup, Branding 🎨


Effective Group Growth: Emails, Social Media, Ads 📈


Prime for Engagement: Posts, Emails, Strategies 📩


Delivering a Challenge that Creates Ready-To-Buy Customers 💸


Effective Selling Techniques During Challenges 🧲️


Analytics: Transforming Challenges into Evergreen Successes ✅

PLUS a $197 BONUS for a limited time:

101 AI Prompts For ChatGPT To Write Your Social Media Posts

Total Value: $197.00

Unlock super easy AI content creation (without a team) with AI prompts expertly crafted for ChatGPT. Craft social media posts in seconds with captions that captivate, engage & convert. Save time, boost your online presence, and get the edge for just $97 — an investment that transforms your social media narrative and delivers undeniable ROI. Included with your purchase.

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today!

  • AI Does The Strategy

    ($199 Value)

  • AI Lays Out The Promotion Content ($30 Value)

  • AI Maps Out The Challenge ($50 Value)

  • AI Closes The Challenge ($99 Value)

  • AI Creates Your Challenge Workbook ($10 Value)

  • No Graphic Designer Needed ($10 Value)

Total Value: $478.00

Get Everything Above For

Only $27!

Delivered instantly.

Start using in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.

Our team lives by one simple rule: "If you can't make money, then we don't deserve yours!" So, if you can't use this to get real, tangible results in the next 30 days or even if it's seems like too much hard work than I'll refund you just for giving it a shot.

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today!

  • AI Does The Strategy ($199 Value)

  • AI Lays Out The Promotion Content ($399 Value)

  • AI Maps Out The Challenge ($499 Value)

  • AI Closes The Challenge ($299 Value)

  • AI Creates Your Challenge Workbook ($97 Value)

  • No Graphic Designer Needed ($499 Value)

Total Value: $1992.00

Get Everything Above For

Only $27!

Delivered instantly. Start executing in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.

Got more questions? No problem!

Does this only work for business or money-making niches?

Not at all! Our customers have seen fantastic success with 1 Hour Challenge Magic across a wide range of niches, from videography to health, vocal lessons, education, therapy, fashion, sleep, mindset, sports, real estate, and so much more.

Will I need a bunch of new software or tools?

Nope! You just need a free version of ChatGPT to insert your prompts into and then you'll be able to build your challenge content.

Do I get instant access to everything when I sign up?

Absolutely! Everything is at your fingertips right from the get-go, ready for you to jump in and take action!

I don't have a big audience yet. Will this still work for me?

You bet! Many of our customers kicked off with no following and used our process to snag their first 5, 10, or even 15 challenge sales in just a few weeks. If you're starting from scratch, it might take a bit of hustle and creativity, but typically, you'll see faster and smoother results with a small, engaged audience of at least a few hundred people.

I'm not sure what to teach in a challenge! Should I still join?

No worries at all! We'll be set you up for success with our ChatGPT script, helping you craft exciting topic ideas or refine what you already have so you can choose a challenge offer that perfectly matches your business, your audience, and your goals.

I don't think my clients would take part in a challenge.

We've witnessed challenges excel in diverse markets. Folks have sold signature offers ranging from $97 to $3k and beyond. We've been consistently blown away by the quality of participants in our own challenges. When you design the right challenge and training on the right topics (which we're here to help you do), you'll have people paying attention and eagerly looking forward to investing in your expertise.

What's your refund policy?

Rest easy, you're 100% covered! We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Will I need a bunch of new software or tools?

Included with Monetize (our funnel building software) is ChatGPT4 , ensuring you have the latest in Ai technology at your fingertips. So you'll be able to use all the prompts inside our Monetize Software platform and you'll get a free 14 day trial to test drive it all. If you don't want the trial, no problem! You can use any of the prompts in ChatGPT3.5 or ChatGPT4. I really recommend ChatGPT4 as it has the best reasoning and answers so you'll get great results but the prompts do work with both!